
Unit 13/post 13: Are females supposed to only be housewives and males work?

Cultural gender dynamics change over time and across the different cultures. The process of cultural gender starts with dressing baby’s according to their sex, for example: blue for males and pink for females, or males play with cars while girls play with dolls. We learn cultural gender differences from our families. Cultural gender changes over time, we can think about the past how females were not allowed to vote, because their only responsibility was being a housewife, cook and maintain the stability of her house and family, while the male responsibility was to bring money to the house. Nowadays that perspective changed a little, now females are allowed to work, vote and do many more things rather than being a housewife. Cultural gender dynamics change through the differents counties, what is seem to be normal to Americans might not be seen good for people in the Vatican and viceversa. 

The cartoon shows how in some cultures females are represented with a cleaning brush. From my perspective that is very humiliating, women’s duties and importance goes beyond cleaning a house and maiming a house organized. On the other hand, males are represented by a hammer. From my perspective, the representation of a male is also humiliating because not all males have to work like machines all the time.

An example of how cultural gender communication that I’ve experienced and have seen happening a lot is that while driving is someone is making a lot of mistakes or cannot park a car people always say “that must be a women” or if a female drives fast people often say “She drives like a man.” No matter in what culture or country I am, I’ve heard this a lot, and in my opinion those type of comments are very out of place. 

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