In Chapter 10, we learned about the importance of group communication. Groups are a collection of three or more people who link together to obtain or complete a collectivist goal. Each member works to accomplish the goal which will benefit the whole group. In Chapter 10, we also learned about collectivism and individualism. Collectivism is when everyone in the group is more focused on working to benefit the whole group equally, not one individual in particular. However, individualism on the other hand is the opposite of collectivism. Individualism is when one puts a high value on one person above the needs of the whole group.
The cartoon shows the different ways in which cultures raise their children. Some cultures teach their people at young ages how to be individualist by telling them to first think about their benefits. Nevertheless, other cultures teach their people at very young ages to behave in a way so the whole group gets the same benefits.
In my opinion, I am a mix of both, individualist and collectivist depending on the context. When it comes to school projects if everyone in the group is committed to the work, I activate my collectivist mindset and work for the well-being of everyone. But, if I see that some students in the group don’t want to work, I activate my individualist mindset and I do my best to shine by myself.