
Unit 1 / post 1: Detangling the unlimited knots that live in my brain. 

Detangling the unlimited knots that live in my brain. 

When you enter into a relationship with somebody, you are supposed to communicate with each other every single aspect of the things that make you feel uncomfortable and the ways the other person can make you feel comfortable in every aspect of the world. Each person should be committed to respecting and comprehending the other, otherwise, there will be no success in the relationship. Sometimes only one person in the relationship is willing to cooperate by listening to the other person’s issues and respecting the other by being loyal and lovely. That is not how the connection works. In a relationship for example, when one person expresses himself, the other one listens and both resolve the problem. If one of the two is not cooperating to help detangle the knot, then it will be extremely difficult to continue ahead. Listening and comprehension are key in relationships and the same thing happens in communication. 

As stated in Chapter 1,  in communication there is one person who serves as the sender (the one who encodes the message) and a receiver (the one who decodes the message). When having a conversation let’s say with a particular friend, there will be a moment in which your friend will be the sender but then your friend will be the receiver while you are encoding a certain message. Reading this chapter made me think about relationships in which only one person listens to the other and is always prepared to help solve the problems of the relationship while the other one is doing nothing more than expressing excuses.

Nonverbal Communication and Body Language -